Store Homemade Bread Crumbs

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 23, 2023


Oh, I just love using breadcrumbs in all sorts of recipes! Whether I’m whipping up a quick snack or preparing a more elaborate main dish, breadcrumbs always seem to add that extra touch of flavor and texture that makes my cooking stand out. So, I usually store homemade bread crumbs in the best ways possible to use them fresh whenever I need them. 

My Nana is an expert in the kitchen, and she taught me some of the best techniques for storing breadcrumbs. Whenever I make a batch of breadcrumbs, I always think back to the lessons she taught me about how to store homemade breadcrumbs the right way. 

The first thing she taught me is to know the type of bread crumbs to know the proper way of storing them, whether you’re storing dry or fresh bread crumbs.

Types of Bread Crumbs

Essentially, you can either make or purchase two kinds of bread crumbs: the fresh and dry versions. They are both great, but each of them have unique characteristics.

Fresh Bread Crumbs

Fresh breadcrumbs are an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in a multitude of different dishes. They are perfect for creating recipes such as meatballs and meatloaf because they add moisture and bind the mixture together. Moreover, they make a great topping for casseroles or baked fish, providing a delicious crunchy texture.

They are also ideal as a coating for fried foods, such as chicken or vegetables, creating a light, crispy texture. Fresh breadcrumbs are an excellent topping for casseroles and you can even use them as a thickener for soups and stews, providing a smooth and silky texture.

Dry Bread Crumbs

On the other hand, dry breadcrumbs are made by toasting or baking the bread until it has lost all of its moisture. This makes a very crunchy product that is very easy to break into small pieces, giving it a powdery texture that is typical of these kinds of crumbs.

Dry bread crumbs are an ideal coating for a wide variety of foods that require a crunchy, crispy exterior. Examples include chicken cutlets, fish fillets, and various types of vegetables. Additionally, they help seal in moisture and flavor while adding texture to the dish.

How to Store Homemade Bread Crumbs

Both bread crumbs add a crunchy texture to dishes and impart a unique flavor. So, if you love using bread crumbs in most of your dishes, you definitely want to store homemade bread crumbs properly. Here are some of the best ways to do that:

Use Airtight Container

When storing bread crumbs, Nana taught me to always use an airtight container. This helps to keep them fresh and prevents moisture from getting in, which can cause them to clump together and spoil. I usually use a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, but you can also use a plastic container or a resealable bag if that’s what you have.

Store at a Room Temperature

The best way to store fresh breadcrumbs to stay in good shape for up to a week is at room temperature. If you leave the breadcrumbs for more than a week, they may become stale or grow mold, making them unsafe to eat. Because of this, you should use the breadcrumbs within seven days of buying or making them.

Storing dry breadcrumbs in an airtight container placed in a cool and dry location is the best way to keep them fresh for up to six months. This will help preserve their texture and flavor, ensuring they are still of good quality when you need them.

Always Put Labels

Another thing Nana taught me was to label my breadcrumbs with the date that I made them. This is especially important if you make large batches of breadcrumbs and use them over a longer period of time. By labeling them, you can keep track of how old they are and make sure you use them up before they go bad.

Although bread crumbs don’t technically go bad if you keep them in the right conditions, we still recommend that you try to use them before their storage period has ended. Over time, bread crumbs can start to lose some of their flavor and texture, but they won’t become unsafe for consumption even after the storage period has expired.

Freeze the Bread Crumbs

If you’re wondering if it’s possible to freeze bread crumbs for prolonged storage, the answer is a resounding yes. Keeping your fresh and dry bread crumbs in the freezer is an excellent means of ensuring that they remain preserved for a longer period of time. Freezing them is the ideal way to extend their life expectancy, allowing you to use them later when needed.

Storing breadcrumbs in the freezer is an excellent way to ensure they remain fresh and retain their optimum flavor. Fresh breadcrumbs will stay at the peak of their quality for a period of 3 to 6 months when frozen, while dry breadcrumbs can last up to a year before needing to be replaced.

How to Freeze the Bread Crumbs

To freeze homemade bread crumbs, start by spreading the crumbs out on a baking sheet in a single layer. Then place the tray in the freezer and leave it there for about one hour until the crumbs are completely frozen.

Once the bread crumbs are thoroughly frozen, transfer them to an airtight container or bag before returning them to the freezer. This will help prevent any moisture from entering and ruining your stored bread crumbs. By freezing your bread crumbs, you can enjoy their delicious taste and texture whenever you need them.

How to Make Homemade Bread Crumbs

Making breadcrumbs traditionally without an oven is an easy process requiring minimal ingredients and equipment. To begin, choose the type of bread you want to use, whether it’s white, wheat, or sourdough.

Cut the bread into small pieces and place them in a blender or food processor. If you don’t have these tools, tearing the bread into small pieces will also work. Next, add the bread pieces to a skillet or pan on medium heat. 

Cook the bread pieces, stirring occasionally, until they are dry and crispy, which should take around 10-15 minutes. Once the bread is dried and crispy, remove it from the pan and allow it to cool completely. Once cooled, put the bread in the blender or food processor and grind it to the desired consistency.

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