Saving with slow cooking

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: February 8, 2023


Who doesn’t want to save money and time while cooking delicious meals, right? We all want to enjoy delicious meals without having to devote much of our precious time and resources to cooking them. Who has the energy or spare change to spend hours in the kitchen trying to whip up something palatable? Fortunately, Nana taught me how slow cooking in an oven can help me save time and money.

Using an oven for slow cooking is an excellent method for bringing out the full flavor of foods and preserving their nutrients. This cooking requires little effort and you can do this in advance, giving you more time to enjoy your meal.

Typically, I will spend around 10 to 15 minutes prepping the ingredients for my dish before slowly cooking it in an oven. After that, I take the prepared ingredients and carefully place them into the oven and then leave them to slowly cook for a few hours or even longer if needed.

I can conveniently multitask with slow cooking since I do not have to be glued to the kitchen, constantly monitoring my meal. All I need is for me to set the oven at its lowest temperature and let it work its wonders over time. This is indeed an invaluable benefit of slow cooking, freeing up my time. It also allows me to do other important tasks while my food slowly cooks in the background.

Saving with Slow Cooking in an Oven

Slow cooking offers many advantages, not just for your health but also for your time and finances. But it is essential to keep in mind some of the key points when slow cooking to save time and money.

Prepare the Ingredients Wisely

Before you start cooking, you must get all the necessary ingredients ready. Additionally, think carefully about how much food you are preparing. If you find that the recipe is too much for the number of people eating, it’s best to adjust it accordingly to match the amount needed. This way, you can avoid unnecessary waste of ingredients and make sure everyone gets enough.

Identify the Right Cookware to Use

If you take the time to consider which cookware is best suited for the dish you are preparing, it can save you a great deal of time. Larger pots and pans may require more time to cook than their smaller counterparts, so selecting an appropriately sized pot or pan is essential. By doing this, you can ensure that your food is cooked quickly and efficiently.

Cook Inexpensive Meat Cuts

Slow cooking in an oven with cheaper cuts of meat is a great way to save money. By purchasing and utilizing these less expensive cuts, you are able to keep your budget low while still creating delicious dishes for the whole family. This type of cooking allows you to get the most out of each cut, as the slow process tenderizes and flavors the meat, making it enjoyable and economical.

Buy Pantry Staples

When slow cooking in an oven, you can easily create delicious meals with everyday pantry staples or common ingredients that are readily available. You can use these ingredients for a range of recipes and will give your food a rich taste and texture.

Furthermore, you can store these items in the pantry for extended lengths of time, making it easy to stock up when on sale or when faced with limited shopping options. This makes them an ideal choice if you’re looking to maximize your budget without sacrificing quality and freshness.

Use Slow Cooking for Meal Prep

Preparing meals in advance is an incredibly effective way to save both money and time. It’s ideal for busy individuals who don’t always have time to cook every day. I have a full-time job, and just like you, I’m looking for the best possible solution to make delicious meals with minimal effort. So, I’m so happy that my Nana taught me how slow cooking can definitely allow me to prep meals. 

Slow cooking is a great way of batch-cooking delicious meals that can easily be preserved and enjoyed over an extended period. It permits you to prepare large amounts of food, which you can then divide and store in the refrigerator or freezer and used as needed for several days or weeks. With slow cooking, you are able to plan ahead and have tasty dishes ready with minimal effort whenever your family is hungry.

Reduce Waste

By slow cooking in an oven, you can reduce your waste and save money. This is because the lower heat you use to cook will decrease the likelihood of burning the dish. So, not only are you able to conserve energy and resources, but you also benefit financially due to decreased costs associated with wastage. With this method, we’re also helping the environment, lessening our carbon footprints. This is a crucial step towards preserving our planet and reducing the amount of pollution emitted into the atmosphere.

Cooking One-pot Meals

You can prepare delicious and nutritious meals efficiently by utilizing the slow cooking method for one-pot dishes. This type of meal is simple to make, you just have to place all of your ingredients into one pot. Then, let it cook at a low temperature over an extended period of time.

Not only will you be able to have dinner ready when you get home from work, but preparing meals in bulk will also help you cut costs. Cooking each meal individually can be more expensive, so batch cooking in an oven makes financial sense. Slow-cooked one-pot meals are easy to prepare and often require minimal ingredients, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to save money while still eating healthily.

Use Oven and Slow Cooker Alternatively

Although slow cooking in an oven is efficient and convenient, slow cookers are much more energy-efficient. So, if you happen to own a slow cooker, you can opt to use it as an alternative way of preparing dishes. This not only helps save energy but also provides the same great taste with less effort.

Slow cooking has been an invaluable source of help for me since my beloved Nana imparted this technique to me. This slow-cooking method has enabled me to effortlessly prepare tasty meals full of flavor and nutrition while saving time and energy in the kitchen.

The slow-cooking process involves simmering food at a low temperature over a long period, allowing all the flavors and nutrients to be fully extracted from the ingredients. I’m forever grateful to my Nana for teaching me this amazing way of cooking, as it has made all the difference in my busy life!

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