Use Pressure Cooker for Chilis and Curries

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


Chilis and curries will always be part of our dinner once or twice a month when I still live with my parents. I love the spiciness combined with the tender meat. But I just don’t have the time to prepare it in my oven. So, the best alternative that I could think of is to use a pressure cooker for chilis and curries.

At first, I was worried about cooking chilis in a pressure cooker because my Nana only taught me to slow-cook these dishes for more flavor. However, she did mention that I could still use my pressure cooker as an alternative way to cook the dish.

Why Cook Chilis and Curries in Pressure Cookers

Cooking chilis and curries in a pressure cooker is an excellent way to save time while still creating delicious, restaurant-quality dishes. Pressure cookers allow ingredients to be cooked quickly at high temperatures and high pressure, resulting in tender, flavorful meals. Additionally, they are highly energy efficient compared to traditional cooking methods as they use a fraction of the energy but cook food in much less time.

Cooking curries and chilis in a pressure cooker is quite convenient because it can drastically reduce the time needed to prepare a dish. However, this convenience comes at the cost of control. It will be hard to know when the food is done can be hard since you cannot see inside the pot. Similarly, overcooking becomes an issue if you leave your dish too long as there is no way to check its progress as with traditional cooking methods.

Things to Consider When Using Pressure Cooker for Chilis

Chili needs a longer cooking time, just like any meaty braise, so the meat can soften, the flavors can deepen and blend, and the collagen can melt and thicken the sauce. But it’s also possible to make delicious chili using a pressure cooker. All you need is to consider some essential things to cook it successfully.

Sear the Meat First

My Nana always advised me to sear the meat before adding it to the pressure cooker when I was making chilis. Browning the meat first is a great way of enhancing the flavor and giving a richer hue to your chili. This simple step adds more depth and character to your dish, making it even more delicious!

Use the right amount of Liquid

The amount of liquid you add to the pressure cooker will significantly affect the eventual consistency of your chili. The more liquid you use, the thinner and soupier your chili will be. For instance, if you will be cooking Chili Con Carne or Ground Turkey Chili. You will need more broth to give it a soupier texture.

On the contrary, using less liquid will result in a thicker, heartier chili. If you are cooking Texas-style chili con carne, Cincinnati-style chili, and slow cooker moles, you’ll need fewer liquid ingredients than in traditional recipes. Using less water when cooking these chili recipes will make the resulting dish thicker and more flavorful. Additionally, reducing the amount of water used in preparation can help intensify the spiciness. 

Use Natural Release

When the chili is cooking, the best way to release the steam and pressure from the pot is through a natural release method. This ensures that all ingredients are cooked evenly, enabling them to blend together in harmony and providing an optimal flavor for your dish. This approach also helps retain more moisture in your chili, making it as juicy and delicious as possible.

Things to Consider When Using Pressure Cooker for Curries

Cooking curries in both the pressure cooker and the stovetop has many similarities, but one major difference is it will take far less time when you cook in a pressure cooker. However, for a successful pressure-cooked curry, here are the things you should consider.

Pressure level, Liquid, and Duration

When making a curry recipe, it is essential to ensure that you use the correct amounts of liquid, pressure, and cooking time. Just like when making chili in a pressure cooker, getting the proportions right is key to achieving the desired result. Too much or too little liquid can alter the taste of your curry. So, you should do careful consideration when deciding on how much to add.

Additionally, adjusting both the level of pressure and duration of cooking can make all the difference in achieving a flavorful dish. If you will not consider these elements, your meal may not turn out as desired.

Whether to Marinate or not

When preparing a curry in a pressure cooker, one should consider whether marinating the meat beforehand is necessary. Marinating can add extra flavor and tenderness to the dish, so it may be worth taking that extra step. However, if time is of the essence or you simply don’t have any ingredients on hand for a marinade, then omitting this step won’t drastically affect your final product. Ultimately, it’s up to personal preference and what works best with your particular recipe.

Use Bone-in Meat

Nana always recommend to use bone-in meat when cooking curry in a pressure cooker because the bones help to add flavor and depth to the dish. The pressure cooker also lets the bones release their juices during cooking, making the broth thicker. Additionally, since bone-in meat tends to be cheaper than boneless cuts, using it to make your curry is an affordable choice too!

Adding Curd or Yogurt

If you want an irresistibly creamy and flavorful curry with just the right amount of richness, using curd or yogurt is definitely worth considering! This will not only add a distinctive taste to the dish but also provide a smooth texture that will tantalize your taste buds! However, this is optional; you can always choose not to put yogurt or curd.

How Much Time to Cook Chilis and Curries in Pressure Cooker

Cooking chilis and curries in a pressure cooker can be an incredibly efficient for making meals. The time required to cook these dishes is significantly reduced compared with conventional methods, as the pressurized steam inside the cooker helps quickly tenderize ingredients while locking in flavor.

Depending on what type of chili or curry you are making, it could take anywhere from 10-20 minutes to achieve optimal results when using a pressure cooker. This is much faster than cooking these dishes on your stovetop or in the oven, which typically require more time and effort.

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