Brewing beer with fermentation

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 11, 2023


Who doesn’t enjoy the refreshing and flavorful taste of beer? My grandpa is a huge enthusiast, so my Nana, who loves to create homemade foods and beverages, decided to take up brewing beer with fermentation. She has become an avid fan of this process and the delicious results it brings.

And since I’m her curious granddaughter, I had to ask her and learn about brewing beer with fermentation. Because it’s just fascinating how delicious beers are made at home. So, let me also share with you the things I’ve discovered about homebrewing.

Ingredients of Brewing Beer with Fermentation

If you’re interested in homebrewing, you may also be wondering what the basic ingredients are for brewing beer with fermentation. Nana usually uses these main ingredients to make my grandpa’s beer. 

Water, malted barley, hops, and yeast are essential elements to create beer. These four components come together during the brewing and fermentation process to produce the popular beverage we enjoy.

Water in Beer

Water is an essential component of beer, making up a significant percentage of its makeup. It, therefore, stands to reason that the quality and type of water you use have a major impact on how your beer will turn out in terms of taste. So you must put some thought into what kind of water you’re using – make sure it’s clean and pure for the best results!

Malted Barley

Malted barley is another key ingredient that my Nana use in the beer brewing with fermentation. It gives the yeast the fermentable sugars that it will use to make alcohol during the fermentation process. Malted barley also gives beer flavor and color, which makes it an important part of making beer.


When brewing beer, hops are an essential ingredient to the brew properly. Not only do they add bitterness and aroma to the beer, but they also contribute to its longevity by helping keep it fresh. During the boiling process, hops are added to the wort. It is a liquid made from malted barley to extract their oils and flavor compounds. This helps give beer its distinct character and taste.


Yeast is a very important part of making beer because it gives the wort the best conditions to turn into a delicious alcoholic drink. During fermentation, yeast consumes the sugars in the wort, then it will turn into alcohol. As a result, alcohol and carbon dioxide are made. Because yeast is so versatile, brewers can make many different kinds of beer by using different strains that give their beers different tastes and smells.

Equipment to Use for Brewing Beer with Fermentation

Once you know the basic ingredients of brewing beer with fermentation, the next thing that you should know and prepare is the equipment. You must make sure to have the right tools on hand in order to ensure that your brew will be a success.

This could include things such as a large kettle or pot, an air-lock and rubber stopper for your fermenting vessel, bottles, and caps for bottling, and any other items which may be necessary for the particular recipe you are using. However, you also need other equipment, such as a large pot or kettle for brewing and a propane burner. 

Many people, like my grandmother, brew beer on their kitchen stoves, but they might not be sufficient for holding a 7-8 gallon kettle. This is because these big kettles need a lot more heat and space than a typical stovetop can give. So, most of the time, bigger pots and pans work better with outdoor burners or gas stoves.

Additionally, a digital thermometer is an essential piece of equipment for any home brewer to have. Not only does it allow you to monitor the temperature when steeping your grains and pitching yeast, but it also gives you greater control over the entire brewing process. This allows you to make sure that all steps are done correctly and with accuracy so that your beer turns out just as delicious as you’d hoped. Having the right equipment at hand enables you to confidently create a great-tasting beer every time.

Process of Brewing Beers with Fermentation at Home

Once you have all of the necessary equipment, you can start your brewing process. You can start by setting up your supplies and getting everything in place for a successful brew session. From there, you will be able to craft a delicious beverage according to your own unique recipe.

Prepare the Grains

Nana’s first step to making beer is to steep the grains in hot water to draw out the sugars and flavor compounds. Generally, you can soaks them for a period of thirty minutes up to an hour in order to get all of the necessary elements from the grain you can use later on during the brewing process.

Bring to Boil

Next, you should bring the liquid to a boil and add the hops at various intervals throughout the boiling process to impart bitterness, flavor, and aroma to the beer. By adding hops in differing amounts at different times during boiling, you can control the intensity of each of these components and create her desired flavor profile.

Transfer to Fermenting Bucket

After boiling the liquid for an hour or two, you should allow it to cool down before transferring it into the fermenting bucket. Then, you can add the yeast to initiate the fermentation process.

To ensure that gases could escape while preventing oxygen from entering, attach an air-lock to the top of the bucket. This would protect the brew and ensure that no contaminants were able to seep in during its transformation into a delicious alcoholic beverage.

Let the Fermentation Begin

Then, you can leave the beer to ferment for a period of time that can span from one to two weeks, depending on the type of recipe and flavor preference. After the process, you can transfer it into a bottling bucket where you can add priming sugar to carbonate the beer and give it its desired fizziness.

Finally, you can leave the beer to condition in the bottle for a few weeks before it is ready to drink. And that’s it! With a little bit of time and patience, anyone can brew their own beer at home using the process of fermentation.

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