Beginner's Guide to Canning Techniques

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


My grandmother’s ability to preserve food in jars has always fascinated me. Every summer, we spent time preparing fresh fruits and vegetables for canning in her kitchen. During these times, I fell in love with the art of canning and all the good things it can do. It not only lets you eat your favorite foods all year, but it also helps you save money and waste less food. So, let me share with you some of the canning techniques I’ve learned from my Nana, their benefits, and some pressure canning tips. 

Benefits of Canning Techniques

Canning techniques can be a wonderful way to save the abundance of fruits and vegetables you may harvest from your garden or farm. Not only does this allow you to relish in the flavors and nutrients of fresh produce all year round, but there are also many other advantages I have personally experienced while canning with my beloved Nana.

It Helps Reduce Food Waste

Canning is one of the best and most effective ways to preserve excess produce that would otherwise go uneaten. This storage method can be especially useful if you have a large garden or farm. It guarantees that nothing will go to waste and that all your hard work in cultivating produce will be worth it. My Nana has been doing this ever since she discovered canning preserving her harvests.

You can Save Money

I also realized that, by preserving your own food by canning it, you could significantly reduce the amount of money spent on groceries throughout the year. In addition, this method allows you to take advantage of sales or discounts on produce by buying in bulk and then canning the excess for future use. This way, you will be able to save a great deal more money than if you had simply bought enough for immediate consumption.

It Provides Nutritious Food

Canning is an effective way to ensure that the nutritional value of fresh produce remains intact, even after several days and even months. By using airtight containers or jars, you can preserve the foods for long periods of time without losing any of its essential vitamins and minerals. This makes canned foods just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts when prepared and stored correctly. Moreover, canned foods have the added benefit of being more convenient than fresh produce since they do not require refrigeration and are often much cheaper than buying freshly picked fruits and vegetables.

Very Convenient

Canned foods are an incredibly convenient and versatile, perfect for providing quick and easy meals and snacks while on the go. You can easily store them in a pantry, making them ideal for emergencies or when fresh produce is unavailable. Their portability makes them especially useful when traveling or camping, as they can provide sustenance without needing refrigeration.

Canning Techniques You Should Know as a Beginner

Nana always tells me that the most important component of successful canning is making sure that the food you are preserving is safe for consumption. And you can do this by following the three basic canning techniques. You should apply each of these techniques, depending on what type of food you are looking to preserve and its acidity level to guarantee a safe product.

Boiling Water Bath Method

My Nana usually recommends using the boiling water bath method to preserve high-acid foods such as fruits, jams, and pickles. To use this method, you must get your prepared food into jars and leave ample space at the top of each jar. Then, you should fill a pot with boiling water and submerge the filled jars in it for an allotted amount of time. The heat from the boiling water kills any bacteria or other microorganisms that might be there. This makes a vacuum seal that keeps your food safe. After that, you can remove the jars from the pot and allow them to cool before storing or consuming them.

Atmospheric Steam Canning Technique

As for canning low-acid foods such as vegetables, poultry, meat, and other similar items, Nana uses Atmospheric Steam Canning Method. This process involves using steam pressure to seal the cans and create a vacuum inside them, which prevents bacteria from entering and spoiling the food. The steam also helps to kill any existing bacteria that may be present in the food before you seal it in a can.

Pressure Canning Technique

Finally, the Pressure Canning Method is the most advantageous and convenient way of canning low-acid foods such as beans, corn, and meat. This method employs pressure in order to completely eliminate all bacteria and microorganisms from these types of food items. It offers a safe and effective way to preserve food for extended time.

How Does Pressure Canning Techniques Work

Pressure canning is an incredibly efficient and safe to preserve low-acid foods like vegetables, meats, and soups. This canning technique involves placing jars filled with food in a pressure canner and sealing the lid. 

A pressure canner is a distinct kitchen device that should not be confused with a pressure cooker. While both devices use steam for cooking food, the primary purpose of a pressure canner is to preserve foods in airtight jars by creating an environment that kills bacteria and other harmful microorganisms through high temperatures achieved through pressurized steam. On the other hand, pressure cookers are designed specifically for quickly cooking food while preserving its flavor and texture.

Then, the food will be heated to temperatures higher than what boiling water can reach, creating an environment that destroys any microorganisms that may be present. To ensure proper safety measures are taken when using this method of canning, it’s important to follow the steps below: 

How to Pressure Can Foods

  1. Make sure all your equipment is clean before use. 
  2. Clean your jars and lids thoroughly with hot, soapy water and rinse them well. Sterilize the jars by boiling them in water for 10 minutes. Keep the jars warm until you’re ready to fill them.
  3. Fill each jar with food and make sure to leave ample headspace between the lid and contents. 
  4. Seal the lids on the jars and tighten the bands finger-tight. Do not over-tighten the bands, as air needs to escape during the canning process.
  5. Follow the instructions that came with your pressure canner to add the right amount of water. Then, put the filled jars in the canner. To prevent burning, use a jar lifter. Make sure the jars don’t touch each other or the canner’s sides.
  6. Finally, process the jars by following all safety procedures listed in your manual for your specific type of food being canned.

If you get the right ingredients and have a good idea of what to do, canning your own food doesn’t have to be hard. Just make sure that you’ve got all the essentials and go through each step carefully – then you should be able to pull off a successful canning project!

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