Canning relishes

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 8, 2023


There’s nothing beats having burgers with sweet and tangy relishes. I always love to have relishes up for grabs, especially since I don’t have much time to make dinners or snacks. I have always enjoyed making homemade dishes, so when I was introduced to canning relishes by my Nana, I jumped at the chance to learn. Now that I know how to make them, I love incorporating them into a variety of meals, such as sandwiches, hotdogs, and salads. Adding an extra burst of flavor that really makes these dishes special.

Canning relishes a simple process that can be done with relative ease. All you need is the right ingredients, some jars and lids, a pot of boiling water, a few basic tools, and this guide I’ve learned from Nana.

Preparing Ingredients for Canning Relishes

Canning relishes is a great way to preserve the flavors of fresh vegetables and enjoy them throughout the year. To begin, it is important to take the time to wash your vegetables carefully and thoroughly to rid them of any dirt, soil, or other debris. You can use a vegetable brush or simply rinsing them under cold running water. It is important you clean all the vegetables have before canning them.

Next, chop your vegetables into small, consistent, and identical pieces. This will ensure that the cooking process is even throughout.It will also make them easier to place in containers or jars. Depending on your recipe, you may need to peel or seed some of your vegetables. For example, if you’re making a tomato relish, you’ll want to remove the skins and seeds before chopping them.

Preparing the Equipment for Canning Relishes

Aside from the ingredients, you should also prepare the equipment and supplies you will use for canning relish. Depending on your chosen recipe, you may require either a pressure canner or a water bath canner to successfully complete the process. You should have these tools available beforehand to make sure everything runs smoothly during the canning procedure.

To can your own food, you’ll need several supplies; jars, lids, and bands are necessary for the process. Additionally, you will require a jar lifter to safely remove hot jars from boiling water baths. A funnel is also necessary for filling the jars with food. 

A bubble remover/headspace tool can also come in handy to ensure that the lid on each jar seals properly. Alongside these canning necessities, it’s also important to have a cutting board, sharp knife, and either a food processor or hand chopper to prepare ingredients before they are placed into the jars.

Tips for Canning Relishes

Follow Trusted Recipes

If you want to make the most of your dish, it’s important to follow your recipe closely. Make sure to measure all ingredients precisely, according to what the recipe calls for. Doing so will help ensure that you get a delicious result.

When it comes to canning relishes, you should always take the appropriate safety precautions. The USDA has created a set of guidelines to ensure that your canning experience is both safe and successful. These guidelines include specific temperature requirements, heating processes, and canning techniques that must be followed to produce a quality end result. Following these instructions will help you avoid any potential risks associated with the process.

Using the Right Vinegar

When it comes to putting relishes in jars, vinegar is important for both taste and safety. Vinegar is a natural preservative that stops harmful bacteria from growing and makes the relish last longer. But not all kinds of vinegar are made the same. Different kinds of vinegar have different acidity levels, which can change how safe your relish is and how it tastes.

For safe canning, you have to use vinegar with at least 5% acidity. This level of acidity is necessary to create an environment that prevents the growth of harmful bacteria, such as botulism. If you use vinegar with a lower acidity level, it may not be effective in preventing bacterial growth and could put you at risk of foodborne illness.

To Cook or Not to Cook Ingredients

Many recipes say to cook the relish first before putting it in a can to keep it fresh. The cooking of the relish is important in two ways. It helps kill any bacteria that might be present in the food and intensify the flavor. By cooking it before canning, it ensures that the relish will remain fresh for longer periods of time and have an even more robust and enjoyable taste.

If you opt to cook the ingredients, you must avoid using aluminum pans for cooking. This is because aluminum can react with certain foods and produce a metallic taste. Furthermore, cooking in an aluminum pan could also cause some of the nutrients from your food to leach into the pan, resulting in a loss of nutritional value.

Setting up the Canner for Canning Relishes

When Nana can her flavorful relishes, she uses the traditional water bath method, but when she learned about the dangers of water bath canning low-acid food, she switched to using a pressure canner.

Use a Pressure Canner

Relishes contain low-acid vegetables, like onions and peppers. So, you’ll need to use a pressure canner. This type of canner uses high pressure to ensure that the food is cooked to a safe temperature and free of harmful bacteria.

To set up your pressure canner, start by filling it with 2-3 inches of water. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific amount of water needed for your canner. Then, place the canning rack in the bottom of the canner.

Place the Jars in the Canner

Place the filled jars of relishes in the canner and start the process by setting to the highest pressure. Then, allow the steam to escape for 10 minutes to ensure the canner is fully heated. Place the weight on the vent to build up pressure. Check the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate amount of pressure to use for your altitude.

Set the Timer and Process

Typically, relishes are canned for 10-15 minutes at 10-15 pounds of pressure. So, set your timer to the right amount of time. It is important to set the timer correctly to ensure that the relish has been safely canned and will remain safe to eat when it is opened. To make sure the relish is properly preserved, pay close attention to how long you process it and what level of pressure you are using.

Once the preparation is complete, you can savor the delightful relishes in the coming months or perhaps even longer. The tantalizing treats will satisfy your taste buds and make your meals much more enjoyable. You’ll never regret learning the art of canning relishes with Nana and me.

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