pressure cooker for making infusions and extractions

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


Essential oils are a great way to enhance my daily life, as their fragrant aromas help to create an atmosphere that is calming and inviting. I like to use a variety of different essential oils in various rooms of the house depending on my mood or needs at the time. However, it’s kind of expensive to buy these extracts. So, I want to make homemade extracts and infusions to save a bit of money, and I want it to be quick and easy. One of the best methods I’ve discovered is using a pressure cooker to make infusions and extractions.

I’m deeply fascinated by how my Nana makes her own aromatic extracts using her pressure cooker. She has a gorgeous garden bursting with peppermint and lavender plants, which she uses to craft beautiful, scented infusions and extracts. Her ability to create these delightful aromas through her pressure cooking technique is nothing short of amazing!

How Do Infusions and Extractions Work

I asked Nana to teach me her best methods of using a pressure cooker for making infusions and extractions, which I’m also going to share with you.

First, let’s talk more about what we mean when we say “infusions” or “extractions.” If you’ve ever had a cup of herbal tea, you’ve had an infusion. This is the process of letting herbs or spices steep in hot water to get their flavor and health benefits.

Extractions go a step further by using a solvent like alcohol or oil to get the essential oils out of the plant material. You can even make your own essential oils through a process called steam distillation. And when we do it in a pressure cooker, we’re able to do it quickly and efficiently, thanks to the high pressure and temperature.

Pressure cookers offer two invaluable features that are essential for oil extraction. They have two important features that make them perfect for the job – the ability to generate high temperatures and a steam-releasing vent. This means they can quickly reach the necessary temperatures for oil extraction without the risk of built-up steam causing an explosion, thanks to the safe release valve. So if you’re looking to extract oils at home, a pressure cooker could be just the tool you need to get the job done safely and efficiently.

Additionally, plants usually emit essential oils at 100 degrees Celsius, which the pressure cooker is able to reach and maintain. This temperature is necessary for the process of evaporating the oil from the plant matter to separate it out. The use of a pressure cooker makes it much easier to achieve this separation, as it can provide high temperatures quickly.

Best Methods of Using a Pressure Cooker for Making Infusions and Extractions

With its ability to generate high temperatures and safely release steam, a pressure cooker is a perfect appliance for making infusions and extractions. Here are some of my Nana’s best methods for using a pressure cooker to extract oils at home:


Maceration is the most common extraction technique that my Nana usually uses. This involves immersing herbs or spices in an appropriate solvent such as alcohol or oil. To apply this method using a pressure cooker, simply put the herbs or spices into a jar, and pour your selected solvent over them. Then, place the jar in the pressure cooker and cover it with water.

Finally, heat the pressure cooker to high pressure and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes. Once it’s done, let it cool and strain out the solids to get your extract. The heat from the pressure cooker will enable the flavors and active ingredients to be extracted from the herbs or spices into the liquid.

Steam Distillation

My Nana also uses steam distillation which is a more complex extraction method. This method involves utilizing heat to boil water and plant material together in a sealed container and then capturing the steam produced as it rises up. Once collected, she condenses this steam in order to extract all of those lovely, aromatic essential oils.

To use a pressure cooker for steam distillation, you will need to gather some basic supplies. These include a tub, filter, copper or steel rod, and a rubber tubing pipe. Assembling these items together is necessary for the successful implementation of steam distillation in your pressure cooker.

You can use the filter to clean the mixture of liquids and keep any dirt from getting into the system. Then, the copper or steel rod should be put into the rubber tubing pipe so that it can act as a way for heat to move from the pressure cooker to the liquid inside it. Once you have put all of these parts together in the right way, you will be ready to use your pressure cooker to do steam distillation.

Place your plant material in a basket or on a rack above the water level in the pressure cooker. Then, add water to the pressure cooker, bring it to high pressure, and let it cook for about 30-60 minutes. Once it’s done, let it cool and collect the essential oils that have condensed in a separate container.


Infusing herbs or spices in water or oil is my Nana’s other way to extract their flavors and medicinal properties. This technique is a simple yet effective way for her to benefit from their beneficial qualities, as the liquid absorbs all of its goodness. You can use the infusions on both culinary applications and for healing purposes, depending on the herbs or spices you will use.

You can also use a pressure cooker for infusions. To do this, simply add the herbs or spices and your preferred liquid to the pressure cooker, then bring it up to high pressure. Let it cook for 5-10 minutes before releasing the pressure and straining out any solids that may remain. The result is an intensely flavorful infusion that packs a punch!

Final Tips When Using a Pressure Cooker for Making Infusions and Extractions

Before you start making infusions and extractions in a pressure cooker, there are a few last things you should know.

First, make sure you get a good pressure cooker with safety features and a way to let the steam out. Follow the instructions carefully, and only use herbs, spices, and solvents of good quality. Don’t put too many ingredients in the pressure cooker, and use a timer to keep track of how long things take to cook.

And most importantly, make sure the pressure cooker is completely cool before you open it. By following these tips, you can use a pressure cooker safely and effectively to make infusions and extractions and enjoy the benefits of homemade oils and extracts.

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