Essential Pressure Cooking Safety Tips for Home Cooks

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


I have never been a fan of pressure cooking because of how loud and intimidating the pressure cookers were in the past. Despite being aware that it is an incredibly convenient way to make tasty meals, my fear always held me back from trying it out. Luckily, all of that changed when my Nana bought a new state-of-the-art pressure cooker appliance. She also told me that I can definitely survive using a pressure cooker, especially if I know the essential pressure cooking safety tips.

If you’re like me and still hesitant to experience the magic of pressure cookers, once you learn these safety tips, you’ll love the wonders they can offer. With just a few precautions in mind, this kitchen appliance can drastically reduce cooking time while giving delicious meals that will tantalize your taste buds.

How to Use Pressure Cooker Safely

Pressure cookers are quite intimidating for home cooks, especially for first-time users. But really, we just fear this kitchen tool because we’re not familiar with how to use it safely. With these pressure cooking safety tips from my Nana, we can confidently take advantage of its many benefits.

Always Check the Appliance Before Cooking

My Nana would always emphasize to me the importance of inspecting the pressure cooker and its rubber gasket before cooking. She would specifically tell me to check for any dents, chips, or cracks in the seal around the gasket. This was something that she deemed very important, as it is essential to ensure proper functioning and safety when using a pressure cooker.

Additionally, many brands suggest replacing the rubber gasket of pressure cookers annually to prevent any potential leakage or risk of accidents. This precautionary measure ensures that the pressure cooker is functioning correctly and will not be hazardous when used. Therefore, it is essential to replace the rubber gasket once a year for safety and optimal performance.

Avoid Overfilling

As much as we would like to cram all the ingredients into the pressure cooker, it’s not advisable to fill it beyond two-thirds capacity. My grandmother typically only fills the pot two-thirds full when she is preparing a dish using the pressure cooking method. Doing this helps prevent potential issues arising from overcrowding the appliance. Using the proper amount of liquid in the pressure cooker will help prevent food from clogging or obstructing the vents, thereby allowing steam to escape and provide even heat distribution.

Use Enough Liquid

A pressure cooker requires liquid to generate the steam that cooks the food. So, it’s essential to use enough water when pressure cooking. It’s one of the pressure cooking safety tips we shouldn’t overlook because a lack of liquid can result in a dry or not cooked dish.

If we’re following great recipes, adding the right amount of water will definitely be emphasized in the recipe. However, if you’re using your own recipes or experimenting with new flavors, make sure that at least half a cup of water or other liquid is in the ingredients list. This will ensure that the food has enough moisture throughout the cooking process.

Use Caution When Cooking Expanding Foods Like Rice

When using a pressure cooker for cooking foods such as beans, rice, or cornmeal, only fill the container no more than halfway full. This is because these ingredients tend to expand considerably when cooked and can take up an unexpected amount of space in the pot. Therefore, it is important to leave enough room for adequate steam to be released during the cooking process.

This is also true when cooking foods that froth. Frothing can block the vent of the pressure cooker, so Nana always tells me not to overfill the cookware. She knows that even a small amount of froth can build up quickly and block the vent, so keeping an eye on the number of contents in the cookware is essential for safety.

Avoid Pressure Frying

Yes, pressure cookers can be incredibly versatile and provide various cooking options, except for frying. It is important to note that using an excessive amount of oil in your pressure cooker could be hazardous as it may cause the gasket and other components to melt. Therefore, when using a pressure cooker, it is best to stick to minimal amounts of oil or other fats.

Properly Clean the Pressure Cooker

Cleaning the pressure cooker properly is also one of the pressure cooking safely tips that we should remember. This will help ensure that the cooker continues to work optimally and prevent bacteria from forming. Moreover, it will extend the life span of your pressure cooker so you can enjoy its benefits for years to come.

How to Release Pressure When Pressure Cooking Safely

When releasing the steam of a pressure cooker, it’s important to be cautious to ensure that it is done safely and appropriately. Too much steam can be produced if it is not done correctly, leading to potential burns or other injuries. There are three safe ways to safely release the pressure cooking steam.

Nana said you can simply release the pressure by taking the cookware off the heat source. On the other hand, unplugging an electric cooker will do the trick if you use an electric cooker. Then, you can let it sit for a couple of minutes or until the pressure goes down. This is one of the natural ways to release the pressure without getting burned by the hot steam.

Another trick my Nana uses to release the pressure when pressure cooking is the cold water technique. This method involves running cold water over the closed lid of the cookware, allowing it to cool down and thus reducing any built-up pressure within. It was an effective way for her to get rid of any excess steam that may have built up during the cooking process.

You can also quickly release the pressure from the pot by utilizing the steam release valve. This method is fast and efficient, allowing you to open the lid of your pot with ease and safety. It works by releasing any built-up steam or pressure that may have accumulated inside, ensuring that no dangerous build-up occurs while cooking. By using this simple technique, you can easily control the amount of steam released and ultimately be able to safely open your pot without risk of injury or harm.

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