fermenting meats

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 13, 2023


Beef jerkies are my favorite go-to meat to have when I’m camping or backpacking. It’s perfect for a quick snack, and it’s lightweight and easy to pack. Beef jerky is made by slicing the beef into thin strips and then fermenting meats with various spices before it’s dried and smoked. I’ve learned this method through my Nana, who’s also an avid fan of preserving foods.

I just love fermenting meats because it is a great way to reduce my grocery bill. By preserving large quantities of meat when the prices are low, I can save money in the long run and always have a supply of delicious food on hand. Moreover, this process helps me to make sure that none of my food goes to waste, as I can store it for extended periods of time without compromising its quality or taste.

Let me tell you more about what fermenting can do to your meats.

What is Fermenting, and How Does It Enhance the Flavor of Meats?

Fermenting is a process of preserving and flavoring food by allowing microorganisms, such as bacteria or yeast, to convert carbohydrates into alcohol or acids. This process helps you preserve the food while also enhancing its flavor. It has been used for centuries in the preparation of meats, resulting in tender and flavorful dishes.

By fermenting different types of meats, it can provide an interesting, complex flavor that can be savored with each bite. The breakdown of proteins from fermentation creates compounds that are responsible for adding further depth and complexity to the meat’s taste. This process can also increase its nutritional value due to the presence of probiotics that benefit your gut health.

With its benefits, I will not wonder if you start trying fermenting your meats, making sausages, or jerky. Well, you’re in luck cause I’d be more than willing to share my beloved Nana’s guide on fermenting meats with you. Her knowledge and expertise have been passed down from generation to generation in our family, and I would be delighted if it could benefit you too.

What are the Essential Equipment and Ingredients Needed for Fermenting Meats?

Before we begin the process of fermenting meats, Nana always reminds me to make sure that all of the required fermenting equipment and ingredients have been prepared beforehand. Everything must be ready before starting to avoid unnecessary delays during the fermentation process.

My Nana usually had a checklist of essential items that we needed to have on hand for fermenting meats. So, get your pen and paper to list these items.

Fermenting Container

The first thing on the list was a fermenting container. During the fermentation process, the meat will be kept in this container. It’s important to make sure the container is completely clean and free of any bacteria that could mess up the fermentation process. We would usually wash the container with hot soapy water and then clean it with a solution of water and white vinegar or diluted bleach.

The ideal fermenting container for making jerky and cultured meat is one that can be airtightly sealed. This will help prevent contamination from airborne microorganisms and any odors or flavors from escaping.

The container should also have a large enough volume to accommodate the desired amount of jerky or cultured meat. Additionally, it should be made of a non-reactive material such as glass, stainless steel, or food-grade plastic in order to ensure that no chemical reactions occur between the ingredients and the container itself. Finally, it should be easy to clean and sanitize before each use.

Starter Culture

Next on my Nana’s list is the starter culture. This is a mix of beneficial bacteria that kickstarts the fermentation process and helps to create the desired flavor and texture in the meat. There are different types of starter cultures available, and Nana would always choose the one best suited for the type of meat that we were fermenting.

You can use lactobacillus plantarum to culture your meat. It is a popular starter culture for creating a tangy and slightly sour flavor in the meat while also being beneficial for gut health and believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. 

Another commonly used starter culture is Pediococcus acidilactici, which produces a robust and complex flavor profile in the meat with hints of nutty and smoky flavors while also preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.

For those who prefer a more traditional flavor, a natural starter culture is an option that relies on naturally occurring bacteria in the environment to ferment the meat but requires more time and attention to ensure a safe and successful fermentation process.

Meat Grinder

To create sausages and other cured meats, a meat grinder is an essential tool. When shopping for a meat grinder, you can choose between hand-crank or electric models. Hand-crank options are more affordable and suitable for most domestic cooking applications. Electric models may offer more power, but can be quite expensive. Although they might be ideal for larger-scale projects like commercial processing operations.

Meat Thermometer and Scale

Other essential items on the checklist included a meat thermometer to measure and monitor the temperature of the meat accurately during fermentation, a reliable digital scale to precisely weigh out and measure both the meat and spices, as well as a sharp and clean knife to cut the meat into even strips.

Creating Your Own Homemade Sausage & Jerky with Freshly Fermented Meats

If you have all the requisite equipment at hand, then you can confidently begin the process of crafting your own homemade sausage and jerky with freshly fermented meats. All you need are a few simple ingredients such as spices and seasonings, high-quality cuts of meat, and a bit of patience to ensure that the finished product meets your expectations. With just a little practice, you will be able to create delicious treats for yourself or for friends and family.

Choose the Type of Meat

To start, you must decide what type of meat to use for fermentation. You may opt for pork, beef, chicken, or any other suitable poultry product. It is important to select your meats carefully as they will be the foundation for your fermentation process.

Prepare the Meat

Next, to prepare the meat for fermentation, it is important to trim away any excess fat or gristle that may be present. This will allow for improved air and flavor penetration during fermentation. After that, combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix them together thoroughly.

Begin the Process

Once ready to begin fermenting, add a culture starter containing specific strains of lactic acid bacteria and place the mixture into an airtight container for 24-48 hours for the desired amount of fermentation to take place.

Finally, once you complete the task of combining all the flavorful ingredients, you can use this savory combination to create a variety of tasty homemade sausages and jerky! This mixture is sure to provide an array of delightful flavors that will tantalize your taste buds.

Extra Steps for Making Sausages

After the meat has fermented, it’s time to grind it up to make delicious sausage. Depending on your preference, you can do this with a meat grinder or a food processor. You can leave some meat chunks for texture, or you can grind the meat more finely for a smoother texture.

Next, add your desired seasonings, such as salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika, to the meat mixture. Make sure to mix it thoroughly to evenly coat each piece of the meat with all of the seasonings. Give the mixture a few good stirs in to make sure you combine everything and no ingredient gets left behind.

Lastly, use a sausage stuffer or a piping bag to put the meat mixture into the sausage casings. Make sure to tie the casings tightly and evenly, so the sausage doesn’t burst while it’s cooking. With these easy steps, you can use fermented meat to make your own sausages at home.

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