How to Store Cast Iron Safely

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


Cast iron cookware is my grandmother’s greatest possession. I don’t doubt it because cast irons offer lots of unique benefits for a high-quality cooking experience. For instance, cast iron pots and pans distribute heat evenly, which is essential for perfectly cooked food. It also is incredibly durable, so it can last for generations with proper care. Plus, using cast iron cookware can actually improve your health by increasing your iron intake. With all of these great benefits, it’s no wonder that my grandmother cherishes her cast iron pots and pans.

I’ve also come to love cooking with cast irons because of these advantages. And I really want to keep them safe. My Nana always takes good care of her things. She is very particular about how she stores her cast iron cookware. She has been using these pieces for years, and they still look new. So, she’s definitely the right person to ask about how to store cast iron safely.

Here are some of her tips for storing cast irons:

Nana said to always store cast irons in a dry place.

Cast iron skillets are incredibly durable and can last for generations with proper care. It’s definitely true, given that my Nana still uses her cookware even now. Her first tip is to avoid storing them in a damp area. Doing this will help to prevent rust and other damage that can occur from moisture. She also added to keep the cast irons away from the sink and the stove, where they could be splattered or coated with steam.

Nana also said that if you’re planning to store them in a cabinet, it’s important to ensure that the storage area has proper ventilation. This will help prevent moisture build-up and keep your cast irons from rusting.

Nana recommends keeping your cast irons in a place easily accessible.

As cast irons are made from heavy materials, you must store them in a place where you can easily reach them. This will help you avoid lifting or moving heavy objects when you need to use them. It’s essential to keep your cast iron cookware in a place where it is accessible and not too high, low, or far away. This will help prevent accidental dropping of your cookware and make it easier to use, especially for those like my grandma who need cookware that she can easily reach.

Use paper towels for storing cast irons.

Keeping your cast irons brand-new looking is a dream, with no scratches and rust. You can make this dream come true by wrapping your cast irons with paper towels. This will help to prevent the formation of rust on your cast iron cookware and keep them clean. It will also prevent scratches if you plan to store several pieces of pans on top of one another. I always saw this trick with my grandma, which makes sense.

Avoid storing your cast irons with food.

I always watched my Nana Maggie cook when I was younger, and I noticed that she would always transfer the food to a different bowl or plate once she was done cooking. She never left any cooked food in her cast iron pans. It’s kind of tempting, though, to leave leftovers on your cast iron, but my Nana wouldn’t recommend it since there are types of food that will react to the cast iron. Additionally, if you leave food on your cookware and it is not cleaned properly, it can rot and attract moisture. This moisture can lead to rusting of your cookware if it is not taken care of.

So, where is the best spot to store your cast irons? 

Finding the best spot to store cast irons is simple, especially if you’ve considered my Nana’s tips. But if you’re still having a hard time looking for a place to keep your cast irons safe and sound, here are some ideas.

Dry and Large Cabinet

When it comes to storing your cast iron pans, the ideal place is in a cool, dry, and large storage cabinet or cupboard. It should be dry enough to keep cast iron cookware away from moisture, which can cause rusting. The best way to store cast iron safely is on a shelf in a pantry or kitchen cabinet, where it will be protected from heat and humidity.

Then, you need to consider the weight of your cookware when choosing shelving units. If you have collections of cast irons, the shelving units must be robust enough to withstand the weight of the cast iron. This is especially important if you intend to store multiple pieces of cast iron cookware.

However, before you go ahead and place your skillets and pans in the cabinet, it’s important to make sure there are no leaks and that the cabinet itself isn’t damp. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your cookware or attracting pests. So take a moment to inspect the inside of your cabinets before putting your things.


When your pots and pans are too large, or you’re running out of room to store them, the stovetop is the most convenient place to keep your cast iron cooking equipment. This way, they’ll be within easy reach when you need them and won’t take up valuable space in your cabinets. However, you have to make sure that the stovetop is always clean and dry.

On the Wall

If you have a lot of cast iron pots and pans, you may want to consider installing hooks on a custom-made wall cabinet to store them. This way, you can save space in your kitchen and easily access all of your cookware. However, because cast iron is quite heavy, the hooks must be strong and securely attached to support the weight over time. Moreover, you need to keep the hooks away from the sink or stove to avoid getting moisture on them.

Whichever spot you choose to store your cast irons, it’s important to consider the factors mentioned above. Whether the area is susceptible to moisture or excessive heat, how often you use the cookware, and if there is adequate ventilation.

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