How to Use Pressure Cooker for Beginners

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


My Nana and I have a lot of fun experimenting with various recipes and techniques using the kitchen tools she has collected over the years. One of her favorite kitchen appliances to use is a pressure cooker. It’s her go-to cooking tool when she wants to conveniently boil, steam, roast, or even brown food. So, I always wonder how to use pressure cooker for beginners, since I’m just new to using it.

A pressure cooker is an incredibly useful kitchen device that uses pressurized steam to speed up the cooking process. By creating a tightly sealed environment, it traps the steam inside and builds up a high level of internal pressure and heat. This results in food being cooked far quicker than with conventional methods. Pressure cookers are becoming increasingly popular among home cooks due to their ability to drastically reduce cooking times while still producing delicious meals.

I had always been a bit intimidated by pressure cookers as they were seen to be loud and roaring appliances that took up a lot of space in the kitchen. However, Nana’s delicious recipes made with her pressure cooker changed my view completely, and suddenly I found myself wanting to experience the convenience of using a pressure cooker for beginners like me.

How to Use a Pressure Cooker

Pressure cooking can be a bit intimidating for beginners, but it can be addicting to use. Believe me! When my Nana taught me how to use pressure cooker, I couldn’t get enough of it. Every time I use it now, I’m eager to discover new recipes and techniques to make meal preparation easier and more enjoyable.

Using a pressure cooker is easy. You just have to know the right temperature, cooking time, and some tips to get the most out of your pressure cooker. Here’s how you can utilize your pressure cooker to make mouth-watering dishes.

To get started with your pressure cooker, begin by reading the manual carefully. Make sure you are aware of all the safety features in using it correctly.

Then, fill the pressure cooker up no more than two-thirds full and add any ingredients or spices as necessary for your recipe. This is to ensure that the food does not overflow when cooking and will help maintain the optimal temperature for optimal results. Any additional ingredients, such as spices or vegetables, should also be added before you close the cooker lid as necessary for your particular recipe.

After adding all the ingredients, securely lock the lid and check that all valves are properly sealed before turning on the heat source. Whether you’re using an electric-type cooker or a stovetop, be sure to understand the correct temperature and heat settings to get the desired results.

Cook according to your recipe’s instructions, monitoring its progress throughout until finished cooking. Once done, turn off the heat source and allow for the natural release of steam before opening the lid safely.

Essential Tips When Cooking with a Pressure Cooker

Here are some tips I learned from my Grandma on how to use pressure cooker for beginners like me. After knowing these essential tips, you’ll be more confident to use your pressure cookers.

Know what you’re Cooking

When using a pressure cooker for beginners, I have learned from my Nana that it is important to know the exact recipe you are cooking. This means assessing the required cooking duration as well as the temperature needed to achieve optimal results with whatever dish you are preparing. Taking these factors into account is essential for successful pressure cooking and can save time in the kitchen.

Use enough Liquid

My Nana taught me the importance of pouring the correct amount of liquid into a pressure cooker to build up enough steam and effectively cook the food. She explained that it was essential to generate enough pressure. This will help soo that dishes could be cooked properly and quickly, thus making full use of this handy kitchen appliance.

Brown the Dish First

When preparing meals in a pressure cooker, it is important to remember that browning the food before adding it to the pot is an essential step for creating a delicious dish. Browning not only gives the food a crispy exterior but also helps to bring out its natural flavors and aromas. Unfortunately, as pressure cooking does not produce enough heat for browning, this step must be completed using another method before placing the ingredients in the pressure cooker.

Thicken Sauce After

Due to the retention of moisture during pressure cooking, sauces do not thicken as they would when cooked in a traditional pot. So, you can only do it after removing the lid from your pressure cooker and keeping it on the stovetop for an extra time. This will allow some of the excess moisture to evaporate, resulting in a thicker consistency.

What to Cook in a Pressure Cooker

The possibilities of dishes that can be prepared with a pressure cooker are seemingly limitless, but certain ingredients work particularly well when cooked under pressure. A selection of foods such as grains, pulses, potatoes, root vegetables, and even some cuts of meat take on a whole new level of flavor and texture when cooked in a pressurized environment.


Cooking vegetables in a pressure cooker is an incredibly easy and effective way to quickly prepare healthy meals. It requires minimal effort, as all you have to do is add the vegetables and water to the pot, secure the lid, and let it work its magic. To get optimal results, you should make sure that your vegetables are chopped into evenly-sized pieces and that they are placed on the bottom of the pressure cooker.

Grains and Beans

Another common type of food that is perfect for cooking in a pressure cooker is grains and beans. These foods can benefit from shorter cooking times, allowing them to retain more nutrients and flavor than when you cook them using traditional methods. Additionally, pressure cookers are able to cook large quantities of grain or beans at once, saving time and energy.


Cooking meat in a pressure cooker is an ideal method to achieve perfectly tender, juicy, and succulent results. The high heat and steam of the pressure cooker help break down the tough fibers in the meat, allowing it to be cooked quickly without sacrificing flavor or texture. This efficient cooking process ensures that all the nutrients are locked into the meat, making it incredibly nutritious and delicious.

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