Should i use oil when cooking with cast iron

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


After I’ve got my first cast iron from my grandma, I’ve been so careful about using it because I want it to last for a long time. I have been asking my Nana a lot of questions about cooking with cast irons. Fortunately, she has been very patient in sharing her experience with me. She has taught me how to properly season and care for my cast iron cookware. However, I still wonder if I should use oil when cooking with a cast iron cookware. What is the best way to cook with a cast irons to get the best results?

So, with these questions in mind, I went to my Nana Maggie to find the answer. She’s been cooking with cast iron for quite a long time, so I figured she would know what she was doing. Turns out, she did have some great advice for me!

Can I Use Oil When Cooking with Cast Iron?

When I first use my cast iron to cook, I’m not sure if I should use oil when cooking with cast iron. I’m scared that it might not be okay to do that. So, I consulted the best person I know, my grandma. She chuckled when I asked her about the oil on the cookware. She said not to worry because it’s normal to use oil on these kinds of pots and pans.

Before cooking in a cast iron skillet, it is recommended to rub a bit of oil into the pan. This will help to ensure that your food does not stick to the pan and that it cooks evenly. She added that this simple step can make a big difference in the quality of your dish.

Grandma recommends that whether to add cooking oil to a cast iron pan before or after preheating is merely a matter of individual preference. Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately boils down to what works best for you.

She reminded me that it is important to always ensure that the cast iron is hot enough before I start cooking, whichever method I use. This way, I can be sure that the food will cook evenly and won’t stick to the pan.

“If you don’t preheat the pan, your meal will be greasy and bland instead of crispy and well-browned. Make sure to give the pan plenty of time to heat up before adding any oil or food; otherwise, your meal will not turn out as intended,” she added.

How to Know if the Oil in the Skillet is Hot Enough

My small talk with Nana about cast irons gets more interesting the longer we talk. She even taught me tricks on how to know if the oil in the cast iron is hot enough. She said that there are a few ways to test it.

One way to check the temperature of the oil is to carefully flick water into the cast iron. If the water immediately forms into beads and sizzles, then the oil is hot enough. You can start putting the food to cook. Another way is to hold your hand about an inch above the surface of the oil. If you feel heat emanating from the oil, it’s ready to use. You can also place a wooden spoon or chopstick into the skillet. If you see bubbles forming around the utensil, that means the oil is hot enough to start cooking with.

Lastly, you just have to trust your gut if the oil is hot enough. If you don’t feel confident about your ability to gauge the heat of cooking oil, you can set a timer for between 5 and 10 minutes. On a medium heat, most cooking oils will reach the right starting temperature within a few minutes.

My Nana is a traditional cook, so she prefers not to use technologies when cooking. However, I would still suggest using a thermometer to check the temperature of the cooking oil for more accurate results.

Can I use butter on cast iron?

I also asked her if I am able to use butter when cooking with cast iron. This is something that I have been wanting to do for a while, but I was unsure if it would be okay. She told me that it should be fine as long as I am careful not to overdo it.

She warned me that if I exceed the temperature of 350°F (177°C) when cooking with butter in a cast iron, it can easily burn. She recommended that I use lower temperatures when cooking with butter in order to have better result.

As soon as you put the butter in the pan, it will start melting. However, that doesn’t mean it is ready to be cooked with yet. You should wait until bubbles begin forming and eventually stop before using it. The butter will be at the right temperature for cooking when the bubbling has ceased.

What Oil to Use When Cooking with Cast Iron?

You can generally use whatever oil you prefer when cooking with cast iron. The cooking temperature should be below the smoke point of the oil, so that it doesn’t start smoking and burning. However, Nana said that choosing the right oil to cook the food with cast irons can make a huge difference in the taste of the dish.

She explained that olive, sunflower, avocado and rice bran oil are all good options because they have high smoke point. It’s the best if you’re searing salmon fillet or steak. She recommends these oils because they can withstand high temperatures without burning or smoking. This is important when cooking salmon or steak, as you want to sear the outside of the meat to create a flavorful crust.

Extra virgin olive oil and animal fats such as butter have lower smoke points, which means they are better suited for cooking over low to medium heat. The lower the smoke point, the less likely the fat is to break down and create harmful compounds. When sautéing thin slices of chicken or mushrooms, you can use butter as long as it is not heated over its smoke point. This will help to prevent the butter from burning and ruining the dish.

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