Making best vegan bread

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 22, 2023


Some members of our extended family are vegan, so whenever my Nana bakes bread, she always prepares a special batch for them that is completely devoid of animal products. She takes the extra effort to ensure everyone can enjoy her delicious homemade bread. But since it’s not regular bread, she uses different techniques for making best vegan bread.

If you’re looking for a delicious vegan bread recipe but don’t know where to start, there are many ways that you can still enjoy the satisfaction of home-baked bread without compromising your diet.

What are the Ingredients to Use for Making the Best Vegan Bread

Use Plant-Based Ingredients

Crafting your own vegan bread recipe can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Begin by experimenting with a range of plant-based ingredients such as yeast, oat flour, almond meal, coconut sugar, olive oil, and other natural flavorings like herbs or spices.

Alongside these main components, Nana suggests adding additional elements like nuts, seeds, or dried fruits for a more complex taste. With the right combination of ingredients, you can create a unique vegan bread that is sure to satisfy every vegan.

Use Vegan Oil and Butter

If you are looking to make a vegan-friendly bread recipe, instead of using regular butter, opt for vegan butter or vegetable oil. Nana usually does this to guarantee that the bread is completely free from any animal products and is best for vegans. It is easy to find vegan butter in most grocery stores or online, so making this substitution should be relatively straightforward.

Sprinkle Plant-based Protein

You can make your vegan bread more nutritious and satisfying by adding a variety of protein-rich ingredients such as chia seeds, flaxseeds, or even a plant-based protein powder. This simple addition will help increase the bread’s overall protein content, making it an ideal snack or meal for those following a vegan diet.

Opt for Whole Grains

Using whole grains such as whole wheat flour, rye flour, or spelt flour in place of refined flour is a great way to boost the nutritional value of your bread. These more natural alternatives contain more fiber and essential vitamins and minerals than their processed counterparts, making them much healthier choices.

Try Using Aquafaba

If you’re making the best vegan bread with egg, you can substitute it with aquafaba. It is the liquid you can find in canned chickpeas and various other beans. You can use it as an alternative ingredient to replace egg white. With its versatility, you can use it as an emulsifier, leavening agent, and foaming agent due to its similarities with the properties of egg whites. This versatile liquid offers vegans numerous culinary possibilities for making best vegan bread without using animal products.

To make a recipe vegan, you only need to substitute three tablespoons of aquafaba for each egg the recipe calls for. Gently add the aquafaba to your dish and ensure it is blended in completely, stirring it until it is evenly distributed throughout the mixture according to the instructions in the recipe. 

Nana’s Tips for Making Best Vegan Bread

Baking vegan bread is not a difficult task, and it’s actually quite similar to making regular bread. However, there are some special techniques that you need to be aware of to create the perfect vegan loaf.

Use Less Flour

When preparing vegan bread, Nana recommends being mindful of the amount of flour you will be using. Try to restrict the quantity of flour as much as possible while still ensuring that the dough has enough consistency to hold its shape.

As your dough starts to stick together more and more, it’s natural to want to add a little more flour here and there. But if you aren’t careful about how much flour you add to the mix, it can affect the final product badly. If you add too much flour, your dough won’t rise properly, and instead of being light and bready, it will be too dense and heavy.

Add Apple Cider

Just a single teaspoon of apple cider vinegar is all that it takes to work wonders on a loaf of bread. It can be used as a dough conditioner, which helps to break down the gluten proteins and makes for a lighter, more easily digested loaf. The acidity of the vinegar helps create a light, airy texture while also bringing out the natural sweetness in your favorite recipes.

Vinegar can be a wonderful addition to your dough when making bread, as it can help the dough to rise more quickly and be significantly bigger. This is because vinegar helps activate the yeast in the recipe, providing energy for it to ferment faster. 

Knead Properly

Many people are apprehensive about kneading their bread too much when they begin making vegan bread at home. However, it is important to note that there is no such thing as over-kneading the dough; in fact, properly kneading your dough is essential for creating a delicious and fluffy loaf. Every recipe will provide its own instructions on how long to knead the dough, but generally speaking, 10 minutes should be enough time to ensure that all of the ingredients are evenly mixed and incorporated.

Double Risers

One of the most underrated techniques that my Nana taught me for achieving some of the lightest and fluffiest bread imaginable is to use double rises. This method allows the dough to rise twice, which helps create a lighter texture as it releases more gas during the fermentation. As a result, you can expect an incredibly airy loaf that is sure to be remarkably delicate and airy in texture.

Moist the Oven

The most effective way of producing a scrumptiously crispy loaf of bread is by maintaining a moist environment within your oven when baking. This will result in a slightly crunchy exterior to the touch and a fluffy interior that melts in your mouth.

You can increase the humidity in your oven to help crisp up the bread crust by adding a pan filled with water at the bottom. Alternatively, you can also spray some water into the oven when you put the bread inside for an added layer of moisture and crunchiness.

Use Fresh Ingredients

Finally, Nana always tells me to use the freshest ingredients available and adhere strictly to the instructions outlined in the recipe. This will ensure that you get a delicious, flavorful dish every single time.

A plethora of recipes are available online, but it is important to ensure you obtain them from reliable and trustworthy websites. Researching each source will ensure that you are receiving accurate information and not falling victim to misinformation. Additionally, double-check ingredients and instructions to guarantee your vegan bread turns out just as expected every single time!

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