Health benefits of slow cooking in an oven

written by: Olivia Thompson

Date: March 2, 2023


Slow cooking is gaining popularity again due to its convenient and time-saving qualities. My beloved Nana has always held a special affinity for the cooking method, often multitasking as she prepares meals while attending to other household tasks. Moreover, she mentioned the many health benefits of slow cooking in an oven.

Cooking food in an oven at a low temperature for an extended time can be a great way to save time when preparing meals. This slow-cooking method ensures you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen and will reduce the effort required overall. It also has the added benefit of tenderizing the food and intensifying its flavor, making it a delicious and practical choice for any home chef.

What are the Health Benefits of Slow Cooking in an Oven?

In addition to the ease and practicality of slow cooking in an oven, my Nana enjoys that it can also bring health advantages. It is perfect for those who wish to prepare flavorful and healthy dishes without investing too much time and effort. Not only does it provide convenience, but it also provides a nutritious meal with minimal effort.

This is ideal if you’re looking for a healthy and convenient cooking technique. Here are some health benefits of slow cooking in an oven that you can take advantage of.

Increased Nutrients

When preparing slow-cooked meals in an oven, you have complete authority over what nutrients you receive from the dish. You are able to choose and add additional vegetables and proteins of your choice, thus enabling you to customize the meal according to your own dietary needs. This gives you a great deal of flexibility in regard to ensuring that the meal is both nutritious and tasty. My Nana loves this method because she can add as many nutrients to her food as possible.

Less Fat

Slowly cooking meat in an oven is a great way to ensure tough cuts become tender and juicy without needing any added tenderizers or fats. This method of preparation allows you to take advantage of the long, low-heat cooking process to help break down the fibers in tougher cuts of meat, making them more palatable and enjoyable. It’s an incredibly simple yet effective technique that yields delicious and healthy results every time.

In addition, slow cooking typically requires tougher cuts of meat that are often lower in fat content, aiding in reducing the amount of calories and general fat within the meal. This can be highly beneficial for those looking to decrease their daily intake of saturated fats or maintain a healthy diet.

Destroys Fewer Nutrients

Slow cooking in an oven is a unique method of cooking that doesn’t destroy as many nutrients due to its use of low heat. Unlike other methods of cooking, which often break down vital nutrients with the application of high temperatures, slow cooking helps to preserve vitamins and minerals that would otherwise be lost due to excessive heating. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking to maintain nutrient levels in their meals.

Slow cooking also allows for the juices or sauces to be collected and served alongside the dish; this provides an additional source of essential vitamins and minerals. By adding these juices or sauces back into your meal, you can significantly increase its nutritional value – making slow-cooked meals ideal for health-conscious individuals and those on a budget.

Less Processed Food

I’m personally fond of buying processed food as it’s easy to serve, but my Nana would always nag me about it. She would always encourage me to use slow cooking methods in the oven to reduce my intake of processed meals. And so, with slow cooking, I was able to reduce my sodium, calories, and fat intake.

Usually, the frozen food we can buy on the market is easy to cook through slow cooking. Whether you’re feeling the urge to savor a delicious beef roast, enjoy a hearty chicken soup or indulge in a comforting casserole, your oven can come to your rescue and help you prepare all of these scrumptious dishes with ease.

How to Slow Cook Hearty Meals in an Oven

If you’re convinced that slow-cooking in your oven benefits your health, then you should also take into account some of the tips my Nana has shared with me over the years. She always emphasizes the importance of healthy eating, and she believes that slow cooking in an oven can be a great way to prepare nutritious meals.

Slow Cooking Vegetables

Most root vegetables, like potatoes, are usually slower to cook than meat and poultry. These vegetables typically require a greater amount of time in the cooking process due to their hard consistency and dense nature. So, when preparing meals that include root vegetables alongside other ingredients like meat or poultry, it is important to remember that these items will require extra time in order to have them cooked through properly.

On the other hand, green vegetables are faster cooking. So, my Nana advises including them for only the final 20 to 30 minutes of cooking time in order to prevent them from becoming mushy and overly cooked.

Slow Cooking Chicken or Poultry

When slow-cooking chicken or other poultry products, it is strongly advised to keep the skin intact. This will help to preserve and lock in the moisture, resulting in more succulent meat. By doing so, you can ensure that your slow-cooked chicken will be tender and juicy.

Slow Cooking Legumes and Beans

It is essential to ensure that all dried foods, such as beans and legumes, are properly prepared in advance. It is important not to season them with salt until the cooking process has finished. Adding salt too early can cause them to become too firm.

Herbs and Spices

Adding generous amounts of warming herbs and spices to soups and stews can be beneficial for improving circulation and digestion. Not only do these herbs provide flavor, but they also supply a host of nutrients that are essential for your health. For example, adding ginger, rosemary, black pepper, turmeric, garlic, and other spices to your slow-cooked meals can give them an incredible taste while providing the body with vital vitamins and minerals. This way, you can enjoy an incredibly delicious meal that is also good for you.

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